Ranau District English Carnival ( 16th - 27 August 2021 ) E-Storytelling Competition for Primary School.


English Carnival – Ranau District. / E-storytelling competition.

Presented By: Sherntz Izzra Lajibi (Year 6)

SK Naradan (Nawanon) Ranau.


Good Day to all judges and fellow contestant. This fine day I would like to tell a story a title of “A highly ambitious rural boy who make the state proud” without further due, let’s start…

Sixty years ago, in mid subterranean town far from the big city of Kota Kinabalu, a young boy called Joseph were schooling at the Missionary  School located in the rural area of Tambunan. Every morning, he woke up at 5 and prepare for a long journey to his school about 8 km on foot from his house. Those days were a little bit hard for the rural people like him which the basic necessities were really hard to get and what was needed will be served first. Just like other parents  who share the same interest in getting high-quality education from the Missionary School, Joseph father was willing to scarify anything in terms of energy and money to have a good education for his beloved son.

The journey started at 5.30am and it would take nearly two hours and a half to reach the school, with a pair of slippers, a bag, two thick books for English and Mathematic subject and a lovely and tendering big tupperware consist of Linopot, a traditional food mixed with hills vegetable and fried river fish as food provisions for a long journey prepared by his mother. A piece of advice from his father who's apparently a village leader there, Joseph still remembers the words. “ Study for the future of our family, our community, our state, and our beloved nation of Malaysia”.  His father was very strict but deep in his heart, he was the loving father.

Reaching the footsteps of the missionary school was quite nervous for Joseph, the English teacher there was just like a lion when roaring fighting in the jungle and everybody seems to be afraid of him but he was a highly respective teacher there. “Good Morning Joseph, How are you today? “ Huh.. luckily he was in a good mood that day. Joseph sat on his chair after addressing the teacher. “Today we will be discussing your ambitions and I want all of you to write a simple essay about it and read it for the class”. The class consists of ten pupils only. The huge big man as Joseph’s English teacher was Mr. Harry Gravestone from Manchester, England. He joins the Missionary school for social works at end of World War 2.

Everybody stop writing!!!  I want ask you, Joseph!! What is your ambition when you became a man? I want be a lawyer, the first lawyer from my tribe, my very own people. Wow!! “Such an ambitious boy you are,” said Mr. Harry, but nothing is impossible, anything can be achieved if it done seriously.  Joseph struggles hard for his education, from the Missionary School near to his village to the all-boys school at La-Salle Kota Kinabalu, located in the capital city of Sabah to a sponsored tertiary education at the University Of Adelaide in Australia.  Everything gain needs extra effort to be successful whereas wisdom is the best quality to make a marvelous education. The hardships to become the first tribe lawyers were achieved by Joseph and continued by many more after him.

Joseph became the first lawyer in his tribe and achieved more excellent achievements in years to go. With hardships from his own and continuing support from his parent, he deserves to be proud. So the moral of the story is, we must have a big ambition in order to become successful in our life in the future. Education is the most valuable treasure for our next generation and it will be the foundation in serving our states and country. Remember that, knowledge is power!!! That alls and Happy Independence Day for our beloved country of Malaysia. God Bless Malaysia. Thank You.


By: Mr. Harry George

Originally scripted but.. a small changes made here and there, Just for educational purposes only.

English Teacher

SK Naradan (Nawanon) Ranau.


